The Superannuation Guarantee [SG] legislation requires businesses to contribute on behalf of each eligible employee to help save for retirement.
The SG rate is currently at 9.5% of an employee’s ordinary time earnings. It has been frozen at 9.5% since 2014, however as previously announced in the Federal Budget, and further to our article posted on 13.05.2021, we can now confirm that the SG rate will rise from 9.5% to 10% on 1 July 2021.
Under the current timetable, the SG rate is scheduled to rise half a per cent each year until reaching a final value of 12% by 2025.
To prepare for this rate increase on 1 July 2021, all employers should:
If you need working out the correct amount of super to contribute to your employees or assistance with any of the above matters, please contact our office.
– Ian Hogbin & Megan McKay
Posted 04.06.2021
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