We all love to raise money for a charity we are passionate about; but sometimes navigating the legal and reporting obligations of fundraising can be frustrating. Our team has researched the current fundraising regulations so you don’t have to!
Currently in NSW ….
Exemptions that may apply to certain individuals and organisations in NSW
A recent survey involving over 600 charities and not-for-profits (NFP’s) shows that the majority;
Further to the survey, the Federal Government has agreed with states and territories to develop a national fundraising framework. The federal Treasury and Victoria’s Department of Justice and Community Safety will jointly chair the working group. This is a major milestone for the sector.
A useful guide outlining NSW fundraising obligation can be found at:
Should you wish to discuss your fundraising obligations with us in more detail, do not hesitate to contact James or Michelle.
– Michelle Paull
Posted 31.01.2022
This article is compiled as a helpful guide for your private information and is subject to copyright. We suggest that you do not act solely on the basis of material contained in this article because items are of general nature only and may be liable to misinterpretation in particular circumstances. We recommend that our advice be sought before acting on any of these crucial areas.
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