Australia has an aging population. There are any number of reasons for this but the one that we are concerned with here, is that we are living longer and have produced a new generation – the “sandwich” generation. Baby boomers that are sandwiched between the commitment of rearing their offspring and seeing their aging parents through to end of life.
Just when they think their time and money is their own, they have to face the reality of aging parents. So instead of travel, sport etc its “babysitting” a parent with increasing fragility and instead of the Winnebago or golf clubs, its wheel chairs, Zimmer frames and mobility scooters.
The answer of course is an aged care facility. These range from independent living to full dementia care facilities, but they all have one thing in common – fees and charges. The starting point is calculation of a means tested amount. This amount is calculated by the Department of Inhuman Services (or the Department of Veteran Affairs) and will influence both the accommodation cost and care fee paid by the resident.
So the challenge is navigating a path through a new vocabulary of acronyms, understanding the calculations and dealing with one of our least popular Federal Government Departments. It would be a brave person who would undertake this without assistance – HQB is here to help! Contact our office to arrange an appointment.
Call us on (02) 6652 2333 or enquire below